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Is the romance gone from your relationship?  It seems a few years after marriage and especially after kids, the romance stops. Women want to be romanced and not just for the intention of sex. They want to be pursued for their companionship and intimate conversations. Based on Bob’s article it seems women need to re-spark the desire for romance by being flirty and acting like we did when we were dating. Interesting….I’m going to try this for a week or two and see how it goes. Please join me in this little experiment and then comment and share your experiences.

Article by Bob Grant

If you are a woman who has been married for three or more years, you may have noticed a decline in the romance department. When women refer to romance, they mean just that – romance. They are not referring to sex. Romance to a woman involves random expressions of affection, such as an unexpected card on a non-holiday, flowers for no reason, or a surprise get-a-way planned completely by your man. Now that’s what women call romance!

Why doesn’t he do those things for his woman without her having to drop little hints or nagging him until he finally gets it? The reason could be that she has stopped inspiring her man to be romantic. She has stopped flirting with him, enticing him and teasing him like she did when they were dating.
In a man’s mind, fixing the washing machine for his wife or bringing home her favorite snack while stopping for his lite beer is the stuff romance is made of.

Women, on the other hand, were born to romance. They know how to tease and flirt, make romantic dinners and set the atmosphere for romance. They’ve known it ever since they were nine and setting up Barbie and Ken’s first romantic encounter and their first kiss. It comes easy to them. That’s how they caught their men and captivated them when dating, and made them fall madly in love.

Romance, however, doesn’t come easily to men. They must be inspired! Let’s face it, after being married for a while, oftentimes women stop flirting and trying to inspire their men because work, kids and life get in the way and they just may be too exhausted to try. But wouldn’t it be nice to have that romance back?

What if there was a way that women could get the romance going again in their marriages? What if they could spark so much inspiration into the men, whom they love with all of their hearts, that they would go out of their way to rekindle the romance they had in the days when they first met? The secret to your husband’s heart is just one click away. Click here  and he’ll thank you forever.

One Comment

  • Carol says:

    Thank you for your work… it is helpful.

    Many men and women don’t realize that romance was intended by God to not stop until death separates the couple.

    When there is injury in marriage, love stops and that stops the romance.

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